Make your gift count even more by taking advantage of your company’s matching gift program.

Many companies and organizations encourage philanthropy by matching your gift. Matches automatically increase the impact of your gift–and are a great way to secure even more support for the areas you love most at Cornell. When your gift is matched, you’re making an even bigger difference for the college, unit, team, project, or group you support. Thank you!

A matched gift can also help qualify you for membership in one of Cornell’s giving societies. When you become a part of one or more giving societies, we show our appreciation and recognize you for your contributions and commitment to Cornell. Matching your gift can help you join fast!

For additional questions, email us at [email protected].

Libe Slope and McGraw Tower in fall.

Why give to Cornell

Make a difference, honor a loved one, give back, help today's students and faculty—there are many reasons to give. What is yours?

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